Centennial Registration
Centennial RSVP
Contact Information:
If you have questions or comments regarding the CE Riverside Centennial Celebration please contact us.
Eta Takele
Phone: (951) 683-6491 x221
Email: ettakele@ucanr.edu
Chutima Ganthavorn
Phone: (951) 683-6491x223
Email: cganthavorn@ucanr.edu
Jose Aguiar
Phone: (760) 342-2467
Fax: (760) 342-6490
Email: jlaguiar@ucanr.edu
Carmen Gispert
Phone: (760) 342-2466
Email: cgispert@ucanr.edu
Vonny Barlow
Phone: (760) 921-5064
Email: vmbarlow@ucdavis.edu