15 Ways UC Cooperative Extension is Working for You
Providing Local Research. UCCE scientists help to understand issues with local field experiments to ensure that decisions are based on regional data.
Safeguarding Natural Resources. UCCE provides expertise and coordinates efforts aimed at preventing and alleviating the effects of invasive pests and diseases, erosion, pollution, and other dangers to the north coast's natural resources, including water, soil, timber and range.
Brokering Solutions. UCCE provides a neutral, facilitative presence for bringing parties together to find solutions to difficult problems facing the county's agriculture and natural resource industries and community health.
Empowering Volunteers. Over 250 4-H Volunteer Leaders extend research-based experiential learning while being supported by the 4-H Office.
Building Strong Communities. Local 4-H connect youth in civic engagement projects addressing local needs. Nutrition education builds healthy families who then contribute to healthy, strong communities.
Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce. 4-H answered the call to our country's need for more science, engineering and technology college majors by adding more science opportunities, including the 4-H SET Expo.
Creating Leaders. 4-H is a place where generations spend quality time exploring, growing and learning together to better themselves and others. 4-H youth working with adult mentors become proficient in public speaking, problem solving, achieving goals, caring for others, and making healthy lifestyle choices.
Supporting Economic Development. UCCE looks for and tests new opportunities for agricultural producers. New income sources for farmers and ranchers are being explored with agriculture and nature tourism.
Channeling UC Expertise. UCCE connects with campus scientists to teach workshops, collaborate on research projects and support grant applications.
Providing for the Future. UCCE is educating today's farmers and landowners on how to maintain the viability and natural assets of their properties that they plan to transfer to the next generation.
Patrolling for Pests. UCCE identifies pests of agricultural crops, forestlands and urban landscapes, connecting to UC pest specialists for health problems requiring a higher level of expertise.
Supporting Producers, Managers and Agencies. Many depend on UCCE to provide science-based advice on a wide range of issues to help protect and conserve our crops and natural resources.
Supporting Agriculture and Natural Resource Industries. Continuing education programs keep producers current with new practices and opportunities.
Reducing Pesticide Use. UCCE conducts research on ways to better manage pests and diseases and teaches alternatives to pesticides.
Beautifying Public Places. UC Master Gardener volunteers devote time and energy to creating demonstration gardens and educating others about sustainable, effective gardening practices.
Provided by UCCE Humboldt and Del Norte Counties