Career Opportunities
4-H Youth Development Advisor
County Locations: Riverside County, San Bernardino County
Date Posted: April 21, 2014
Closing Date: June 15, 2014
Job Description: Download
Download Application: Word | PDF
Under the supervision of a county director, with latitude for exercise of independent action and decision making, the advisor will facilitate interactions and information exchange among campus-based academics, CE advisors and community stakeholders. The advisor will focus on strengthening local 4-H programming through academic leadership to 4-H program staff and volunteers and through conducting applied research by collaborating with internal and external stakeholders. Engaging and empowering youth in education and research projects will be critical to insure youth issues are addressed and youth reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development. The advisor will also conduct resource development activities to expand programming. The advisor will provide leadership and expertise in youth development to other youth oriented programs in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
Click here for the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) employment opportunities.