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Office Information

Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: (951) 955-0170
Email: ceriverside@ucdavis.edu

Staff List


Photo of Rita Louise Clemons
Rita Louise Clemons
Title: Area County Director San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange Counties
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 951-955-2645
Email: rlclemons@ucanr.edu


Photo of Alondra Alonso
Alondra Alonso
Title: CES II, UC CalFresh Healthy Living
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: aalon@ucanr.edu
Photo of Stephanie Louise Barrett
Stephanie Louise Barrett
Title: 4-H Regional Program Coordinator
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 951-236-7007
Email: slbarrett@ucanr.edu
Photo of Francisca Borbon
Francisca Borbon
Title: CES III, Small Farms and Specialty Crops Program
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 9519552799
Email: fborbon@ucanr.edu
Photo of Claudia F Carlos
Claudia F Carlos
Title: CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Riverside County Program Supervisor
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: (951) 955-2613
Email: cfcarlos@ucanr.edu
Photo of Luca Carmignani Ph.D.
Luca Carmignani Ph.D.
Title: Fire Advisor
Specialty: Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fire behavior. Home hardening and defensible space.
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: carmignani@ucanr.edu
Photo of Jiana Choi
Jiana Choi
Title: Staff Research Associate-II, Small Farms & Specialty Crops
Unit: Small Farm Program
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: jchoi@ucanr.edu
Photo of Rita Louise Clemons
Rita Louise Clemons
Title: Area County Director San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange Counties
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 951-955-2645
Email: rlclemons@ucanr.edu
Photo of Denneigh Jo Denton
Denneigh Jo Denton
Title: Master Food Preserver Coordinator
Specialty: UCCE Master Food Preserver
County: Riverside County
7863 Central Ave
Highland, CA 92346
Email: djdenton@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Hung Kim Doan PhD
Hung Kim Doan PhD
Title: Small Farms and Specialty Crops Advisor
Specialty: Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms, Vegetable and field crop pathology,Fruit and tree nuts pathology
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: (408) 717-0161
Email: hkdoan@ucanr.edu
Photo of Chutima H Ganthavorn
Chutima H Ganthavorn
Title: Cooperative Extension Advisor Emerita
Specialty: Nutrition Education and Evaluation, Consumer Food Safety, Community Garden
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: (951) 955-0170
Email: cganthavorn@ucanr.edu
Photo of Marlen Gaspar
Marlen Gaspar
Title: CES II, UC CalFresh Healthy Living
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: mgaspar@ucanr.edu
Photo of Haris Gilani Ph.D.
Haris Gilani Ph.D.
Title: Biomass & Bioenergy Advisor
Specialty: Biomass & Bioenergy; Natural Resources Economics; Carbon Dioxide Removal
County: Riverside County
University of California, Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: hgilani@ucanr.edu
Photo of Mr James Michael Henry
Mr James Michael Henry
Title: Farm Advisor, Emeritus
Specialty: Turf and landscape, Master Gardener Program
County: Riverside County
7 W. Willard Road
Edgewood, CA 87015
Email: jmhenryconsulting@gmail.com
Photo of Douglas R Kuney
Douglas R Kuney
Title: Area Extension Poultry Farm Advisor, Emeritus
Specialty: Poultry and egg production, emphasizing public and environmental health issues, poultry health and disease prevention, nutrition and general management.
County: Riverside County
University of California
Highlander Hall
Riverside, CA 92521
Phone: (951) 827-2099
Email: drkuney@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Brooke C Latack
Brooke C Latack
Title: Livestock Advisor
County: Imperial County
UC Cooperative Extension - Imperial County
1050 East Holton Road
Holtville, CA 92250-9615
Phone: (442) 265-7700
Email: bclatack@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Esther N Lofton
Dr Esther N Lofton
Title: Urban Watershed Resilience Advisor
Specialty: Water Resources Engineering, Surfacewater Modeling, Groundwater Modelling, LID Practices, Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Resources, Programming
County: Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
South Coast Research and Extension Center
7601 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 8582826737
Email: enmosase@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Chris J McDonald
Dr Chris J McDonald
Title: Inland and Desert Natural Resources Advisor
Specialty: invasive plants, weeds, native plant restoration, vegetation management, sensitive species management, habitat restoration, restoration planning, environmental education, partnerships with Tribes and tribal communities
County: San Bernardino County
UC Cooperative Extension - San Bernardino County
7863 Central Ave
Highland, CA 92346
Phone: (909) 387-2171
Email: cjmcdonald@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Yu Meng
Dr Yu Meng
Title: Youth Family and Community Advisor
Specialty: Nutrition Science, Nutrition Education and Behavior
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 9519552597
Email: ucmeng@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Aliasghar Montazar
Dr Aliasghar Montazar
Title: UCCE Irrigation and Water Management Advisor
Specialty: Irrigation and water management, measurement and modeling of surface energy balance variables/ET and crop coefficients, irrigation scheduling, drainage and water quality, on-farm irrigation system management and evaluation, salinity management and control practices, deficit irrigation, environmental instrumentation and modelling.
County: San Diego County
UC Cooperative Extension Advisor in Imperial & Riverside & San Diego Counties
1050 East Holton Road
Holtville, CA 92250-9615
Phone: (442) 265-7707
Email: amontazar@ucanr.edu
Photo of Amrita Mukherjee M.S.
Amrita Mukherjee M.S.
Title: Urban Agriculture/Small Farms Advisor
Specialty: Urban Farms and food system, Organic Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms, Control Environment Agriculture
County: San Bernardino County
Cooperative Extension San Bernardino County
7863 Central Avenue
Highland, CA 92346
Phone: 909-602-8339
Email: amukherjee@ucanr.edu
Photo of Esmeralda Nunez
Esmeralda Nunez
Title: CES III, UC CalFresh Healthy Living
County: Riverside County, Palm Desert Office
Cooperative Extension Riverside County, Indio Office
75080 Frank Sinatra Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Email: eannunez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Vianca Nunez
Vianca Nunez
Title: Community Nutrition Educator II, UC CalFresh Healthy Living Program
County: Riverside County, Palm Desert Office
Cooperative Extension Riverside County, Indio Office
75080 Frank Sinatra Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Email: vnunez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Rosa Olaiz
Rosa Olaiz
Title: Master Gardener Coordinator
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 951-955-0170
Email: rmolaiz@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Ana Maria Pastrana Leon
Dr Ana Maria Pastrana Leon
Title: Plant Pathology Advisor
Specialty: Plant Pathology
County: Imperial County
UC Cooperative Extension - Imperial County
1050 East Holton Road
Holtville, CA 92250-9615
Email: ampastranaleon@ucanr.edu
Photo of Roxana Yaneth Price
Roxana Yaneth Price
Title: Community Education Specialist II EFNEP - TFTST Trees for Tomorrow Start Today Coordinator
Specialty: Delivery of Evidenced Based Nutrition Education Palm Desert - Trees for Tomorrow Start Today Coordinator
County: Riverside County
Roxana Price
75080 Frank Sinatra Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Phone: 951-955-2626
Email: roxprice@ucanr.edu
Photo of Carla A Pryor
Carla A Pryor
Title: Lab Helper
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
290 N Broad Way
Blythe, CA 92225
Email: capryor@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Leslie Rendon Castro
Leslie Rendon Castro
Title: 4-H Youth Development Program Representative
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 951-683-6491
Email: lrendon@ucanr.edu
Photo of Michael D Rethwisch
Michael D Rethwisch
Title: Field Crops   University of California Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor   Palo Verde Valley Vegetables
Specialty: Entomology, Agronomy (Crop Production)
County: Riverside County
290 N. Broadway
Blythe, CA 92225-1649
Phone: (760) 921-5064
Email: mdrethwisch@ucanr.edu
Photo of Chandra Richards Ph.D.
Chandra Richards Ph.D.
Title: Land Equity Academic Coordinator II
County: San Diego County
Cooperative Extension
9335 Hazard Way
Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (619) 786-2620
Email: cmrichards@ucanr.edu
Photo of Noreen Shein
Noreen Shein
Title: Executive Assistant III/Office Manager
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: 951-955-2644
Email: nshein@ucanr.edu
Photo of Etaferahu Takele , M.S.; M.A
Etaferahu Takele , M.S.; M.A
Title: Area Advisor Farm Management/Agricultural Economics
Specialty: Area Advisor - Farm Management /Agricultural Economics - Production economics, decision-making at the farm level, integrated input management, risk managementSubtropical Fruit Crops (Citrus, Avocados) Vegetable crops, Field CropsRiverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Los Angles, Orange and Ventura.
County: San Bernardino County
Notes: 22641 Radnor Lane Moreno Valley, CA 92557
UC Cooperative Extension - San Bernardino County
21150 Box Springs Road, Ste 202
Moreno Valley, CA 92557-8718
Phone: 9512436513
Email: ettakele@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Siavash Taravati Ph.D.
Siavash Taravati Ph.D.
Title: Area IPM Advisor
County: Riverside County
2980 Washington St
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: staravati@ucanr.edu
Photo of Suzanne Tippit
Suzanne Tippit
Title: Office Assistant I Blythe-Palo Verde Valley
County: Riverside County
UCCE Riverside
290 N Broadway
Blythe, CA 92225
Phone: 760-921-5060
Email: stippit@ucanr.edu
Photo of Rosa Vargas
Rosa Vargas
Title: Regional Manager
Unit: CalFresh Healthy Living, UC
One Shields Avenue
1103 Meyer Hall
Davis, CA 95616
Email: rivargas@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Philip Waisen
Dr Philip Waisen
Title: Vegetable Crops Advisor
Specialty: Plant Pathology/Nematology/ Nematode Ecology/Soil Health/Cover Crops
County: Riverside County
75080 Frank Sinatra Dr
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Phone: 9518270208
Email: pwaisen@ucanr.edu
Photo of Michelle Diane Zavala
Michelle Diane Zavala
Title: Community Education Specialist-II
County: Riverside County
Cooperative Extension Riverside County
2980 Washington Street
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: miczavala@ucanr.edu